This is a really common question. As with all nutrition, there is no one-size fits all approach. That’s not me ducking the question. Let me explain. When does my baby need pudding? You baby, or toddler, or older child needs pudding when you are not sure they have had enough variety of fruit or vegetable,Continue reading “Does my baby need pudding?”
Category Archives: Meal ideas
Mozzarella and Italian vegetable Pizza
© Aliya Porter – Porter Nutrition 2023 Ingredients 500g plain flour plus extra for dusting 7g sachet yeast 0.5 tsp salt 0.5 tsp caster sugar 2 tbsp olive oil 320ml Water 1 x 210g pack of mozzarella, drained Passata 1 small onion, finely chopped 1 Pepper, deseeded and chopped 1 courgette, cut small 1 tspContinue reading “Mozzarella and Italian vegetable Pizza”
Child friendly Swedey cheesy pasta recipe
© Aliya Porter – Porter Nutrition 2023 Ingredients 165g swede, cut into chunks (weight once peeled) 310g spaghetti or other pasta 50g plain flour 600ml semi skimmed milk 160g frozen peas 150g mature Cheddar cheese, grated Black pepper 400g carrots, peeled and cut into sticks (to serve as an accompaniment) Method Cook the swede inContinue reading “Child friendly Swedey cheesy pasta recipe”
Simple snacks for babies and toddlers
Snacks are foods in between meals. That’s important because sometimes snacks become replacements for meals but that’s not what they are for. Ideally snacks are given at set times of day between meals (usually 90 minutes minimum between feeding times) rather than constantly available. Why is it important to have set times? Because it allowsContinue reading “Simple snacks for babies and toddlers”
Can toddlers really have a boring sandwich every day?
Toddlers are just like the rest of us in that they need variety but variety doesn’t need to mean something different every day. Toddlers like routine. They like to know what’s happening ahead of time so they know what time of day it is. They like routine because it helps them feel safe. My toddlerContinue reading “Can toddlers really have a boring sandwich every day?”
Snacks for your baby and toddler
Why do babies and toddlers need snacks. What to give and how much.
Simple ways to include fish in baby’s diet
Fish ideas for baby
Quick and healthy pasta meals
Sometimes as new parents we wonder what we did with our time before we had children. Time is quickly filled with nappy changes, washing, cuddle time, entertaining and catching up on sleep (hopefully!). We don’t have ages to spend in the kitchen. You are still aiming to have protein, starchy carb and 2 portions ofContinue reading “Quick and healthy pasta meals”
Simple breakfast ideas for babies
I don’t know about you but I don’t have much spare time in the mornings. I don’t put pressure on myself if the children have the same for breakfast each day, I just give them variety at other meals. Here are some ideas for variety though (I must admit, mine have never had eggs onContinue reading “Simple breakfast ideas for babies”