Toddler snacks – everything you need to know

Do toddlers need snacks? How many should they have? What should they have? Are bought snacks ok? There are so many questions. Let’s take those 4 questions in turn. Do toddlers need snacks? Yes! Babies under 1 do not need snacks but from 1 it is recommended that children have snacks. Why? Because their needContinue reading “Toddler snacks – everything you need to know”

Simple snacks for babies and toddlers

Snacks are foods in between meals. That’s important because sometimes snacks become replacements for meals but that’s not what they are for. Ideally snacks are given at set times of day between meals (usually 90 minutes minimum between feeding times) rather than constantly available. Why is it important to have set times? Because it allowsContinue reading “Simple snacks for babies and toddlers”