How to get a toddler to eat more vegetables

How do I get my daughter to eat more vegetables? How do I get my son to eat more vegetables? If had a £1 for each time I was asked this I would be rich! As parents we want the best for our children. We know that eating vegetables is ‘good for them’ so that’sContinue reading “How to get a toddler to eat more vegetables”

New advice for feeding 1-4 year olds

This week the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition published a report which reviewed the scientific evidence around children’s food in the 1-5 year old age group. As you might expect they found that children are eating on average: So, no surprises there but here are the recommendations which you may find interesting. Fibre The recommendationContinue reading “New advice for feeding 1-4 year olds”

5 tips to save you money when weaning your baby

With the rising cost of living, saving money is on everyone’s minds. I’ve been sharing money saving tips on my Facebook page for. I’m going to share some specific weaning ones here: Tip number 1 – see what you can get free When it comes our babies, they grow so fast that lots of theContinue reading “5 tips to save you money when weaning your baby”