100 foods before 1 list
If you are new to weaning why not request a download of the 100 foods before 1 resource to give you ideas of foods to try.
Activity sheets
Get your little one involved in the food around them. Here are some free worksheets for you to download to do with your children. They can be adapted depending on the age of your child.
Creating positive mealtimes – remove the pressure factsheet
How to get my child to drink more water (infographic)
Healthy Eating in Pregnancy Factsheet
And if you are stuck for summer holiday meals for the over 2s, checkout this menu.
Family Health podcast – Episode 30: Weaning & Nutrition (in partnership with Mini First Aid)
4 Things to Consider when Weaning your Baby (in partnership with MyBump2Baby)
Podcast on myth: food under 1 is just for fun (in partnership with Phoebe app)
If you would like further information or would like to commission me to make some resources for you, please get in touch.
A great post without any doubt.