Mummy can I have an ice cream? How to handle the ice cream van

This ice cream van stops outside our house. I don’t know why, we never buy ice cream from when we are at home! (That’s not to say we never eat it) Here are some tips when navigating the ice cream van whether it’s outside school or elsewhere. 🍦Have standard sentences planned For example:“It’s not iceContinue reading “Mummy can I have an ice cream? How to handle the ice cream van”

How to get a toddler to eat more vegetables

How do I get my daughter to eat more vegetables? How do I get my son to eat more vegetables? If had a £1 for each time I was asked this I would be rich! As parents we want the best for our children. We know that eating vegetables is ‘good for them’ so that’sContinue reading “How to get a toddler to eat more vegetables”

Simple snacks for babies and toddlers

Snacks are foods in between meals. That’s important because sometimes snacks become replacements for meals but that’s not what they are for. Ideally snacks are given at set times of day between meals (usually 90 minutes minimum between feeding times) rather than constantly available. Why is it important to have set times? Because it allowsContinue reading “Simple snacks for babies and toddlers”

Top tips for your toddler’s food at Christmas

Christmas is a time of year when routines can go out of the window and when food intake changes dramatically. Toddlers need routine. They need routine to give them boundaries and they need boundaries to help them feel safe. A lack of routine often leads to a tired toddler and an emotional toddler as theyContinue reading “Top tips for your toddler’s food at Christmas”

Ways to show your child you love them

This is a nutrition blog so you may be wondering why this article is here. Well, it’s because so many of us show love with food and this can be problematic. We need to feed our children. It would be neglect if we didn’t feed out children. A basic way of loving our children isContinue reading “Ways to show your child you love them”

The language of your child’s food – what’s helpful and what’s not

Food is something we all need but it’s so much more than fuel. Food for your baby is about care, comfort, nourishment, quality time, language, texture, smells, taste and more. The way we talk to our children about food and the way we talk about food around our children, will impact how they view food.Continue reading “The language of your child’s food – what’s helpful and what’s not”

5 things to try with fussy eaters

Fussy eating can be incredibly stressful for everyone involved. It is important to rule out underlying causes so it is good to see professional help, particularly if your child is losing weight or not gaining weight. A fussy eating consultation will go into lots more detail than I can in a blog but here areContinue reading “5 things to try with fussy eaters”