Simple snacks for babies and toddlers

Snacks are foods in between meals. That’s important because sometimes snacks become replacements for meals but that’s not what they are for. Ideally snacks are given at set times of day between meals (usually 90 minutes minimum between feeding times) rather than constantly available. Why is it important to have set times? Because it allowsContinue reading “Simple snacks for babies and toddlers”

Top tips for your toddler’s food at Christmas

Christmas is a time of year when routines can go out of the window and when food intake changes dramatically. Toddlers need routine. They need routine to give them boundaries and they need boundaries to help them feel safe. A lack of routine often leads to a tired toddler and an emotional toddler as theyContinue reading “Top tips for your toddler’s food at Christmas”

10 tips on weaning multiples

When I was looking for information about this, I found lots of information about weaning generally but very few tips which would help parents of multiples specifically. All the information on the Weaning Centre website relates to twins, triplets and other multiples but the more babies you have in front of you, the more challengingContinue reading “10 tips on weaning multiples”

Iron: an essential nutrient for your baby

Iron is a nutrient we hear quite a bit about but it’s not one which most of us actively think about in our diets. Pregnant women have their iron levels checked. Why? Low iron in pregnancy can increase the risk of pre term birth and of having a baby with a low birth weight. Mum’sContinue reading “Iron: an essential nutrient for your baby”

Is processed meat really that bad for my baby?

You may have seen the headlines ‘processed meat causes cancer’ and been concerned. As a parent our natural instinct is to protect our children so a headline like this causes anxiety. But what’s the problem with processed meat and what is it? What is processed meat? Processed meat is meat that has been through someContinue reading “Is processed meat really that bad for my baby?”

5 tips to save you money when weaning your baby

With the rising cost of living, saving money is on everyone’s minds. I’ve been sharing money saving tips on my Facebook page for. I’m going to share some specific weaning ones here: Tip number 1 – see what you can get free When it comes our babies, they grow so fast that lots of theContinue reading “5 tips to save you money when weaning your baby”

Can toddlers really have a boring sandwich every day?

Toddlers are just like the rest of us in that they need variety but variety doesn’t need to mean something different every day. Toddlers like routine. They like to know what’s happening ahead of time so they know what time of day it is. They like routine because it helps them feel safe. My toddlerContinue reading “Can toddlers really have a boring sandwich every day?”

How to stop breastfeeding safely

Your baby needs milk. The World Health Organisation recommends babies are exclusively breastfed til 6 months. Then that they have breast milk alongside food until they are at least 2. This does not come with a whole heap of mum guilt though. If you need to give up or not start breastfeeding, that is yourContinue reading “How to stop breastfeeding safely”