I offer a range of services to help you and your family start your weaning journey and continue to give them the best nutritional intake. If you can’t find the service you are looking for, why not get in touch and have a chat about your needs.

For parents
First Foods Course
A comprehensive 3 session course in person or online for small groups of parents to gain confidence in introducing solids to their babies. An essential parent investment.
It covers everything from how to start to the food environment to preventing fussy eating.
Weaning on a Budget ebook
An easy to read guide to weaning your baby without spending lots. It will save you money. Just £5.
One to one support
Sometimes one to one is the best way forward. This gives you advice tailored to your needs, whether it’s about weaning, fussy eating, or you just have loads of questions around the routine. You can either book a single consultation or have multiple ones with ongoing support.
One to one support is available for all ages (check out the Porter Nutrition main website for services for pregnancy, older children and adults)

For organisations or groups
Commission a weaning session for your clients / members
A Zoom to wean
An hour long weaning session over Zoom covering all the weaning basics. For more information click here
Book this session for your group at a time to suit you.
Instagram Live
Give your followers something extra.
Book Aliya, an experienced Registered Nutritionist, to speak to your followers about weaning, toddler nutrition or another aspect of nutrition.
Prices available on request.